Sunday, November 18, 2018

Defining Decisions

 Defining Decisions

Some, are easier than others,
 requiring no pondering, no cerebral scale
to weigh each crucial detail,
before it's stored for future use.

Then, there are those that are made for you,
perhaps due to a circumstance you did not expect,
yet in the wake of it, fatefully directs you
towards your destined path.

The ones, though, which most torment my soul,
   hover forever in my mind, and thus, 
in that nebulous existence, 
remain confined and undefined.

Written for 'The Poetry Pantry'
at Poets United


  1. So many decisions and choices, each with their own consequences. So nice to see you popping up again at PU, Poppy. Smiles.

    1. Thanks, Sherry. I haven't written a poem in a very long time. Feels good!:)

  2. Love the authentic simplicity of this reflective observation … the kind of writing that gives me pause - to linger - whilst I ruminate for a bit.

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I've challenged myself to simplify my writing, despite the intricacies of certain subject matter.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Amy, thanks so much for visiting my poetry blog; it's been a very long time since I've been here, too!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rosemary. Part of summarizing is simplifying, seeking clarity. Hope this helps me to come to some decisions, soon!

  5. Very well written and expressed.. life is all about decisions. Especially adulthood. It's the third type of decisions that as you say may torment our souls and mind and prove to be the hardest. But it's those decisions that probably matter the most and that's why they are the most difficult to make because they are the most life altering.

    1. Thank you, sweet daughter! Yes, I completely agree: those life altering decisions are definitely the hardest to make!


  6. You've chosen a beautifully appropriate picture to illustrate your lines below it. We may not be able to travel it with you, dear Poppy, as you make these undefined decisions but our prayers are with you just as yours have been with us along the path of life.

    1. Thank you, dear Dewena, for your prayers, and wonderful, wise words, always.

  7. There will always be those hard decisions, but maybe even if they are hard are the ones that are also the most important...

    1. I agree, until you take them and live them and lighten them with every step.

  8. I love the unassuming elegance of your poem, Poppy - especially the last stanza, which I re-read multiple times. This resonated with me in a language which I simultaneously understood and pondered over. Thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you, dear reader. It seems that last stanza has that effect of managing to keep out thoughts lingering in it, in addition to its other permanent 'occupants'.

  9. I love how you wandered through the decisions we make and ended with those that weigh on us even after so long...well done!

  10. Big decisions can take time. Beautifully written.

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